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The original Java MulticoreBSP library was written by Albert-Jan N. Yzelman, for a large part as a PhD candidate under the supervision of Rob H. Bisseling, at Utrecht University. After obtaining his PhD, Albert-Jan continues his research in high-performance parallel computing at the Flanders ExaScience laboratory. There, he developed MulticoreBSP for C and continues to manage the web site.

Rob is a long-time expert on BSP algorithms, both in development and research. He taught the BSP paradigm to graduate students since the start of the Scientific Computing programme at Utrecht University. He is author of the book Parallel Scientific Computation -- A structured approach using BSP and MPI.

All BSP or research related inquiries are welcome at any of our addresses, but please contact only Albert-Jan for bug reports or specific implementation issues regarding one of the MulticoreBSP libraries.

  • Albert-Jan Yzelman
    Postdoctoral researcher
    Deptartment of Computer Science, KU Leuven /
    Flanders ExaScience Lab, Intel Labs Europe
    Leuven, Belgium
    E-mail: Albert-Jan.Yzelman "at"
  • Rob Bisseling
    Full professor in Scientific Computing
    Dept. of Mathematics
    Utrecht University
    Utrecht, the Netherlands
    E-mail: R.H.Bisseling "at"